When looking for high-tech venture funding it is crucial to get over the credibility gap. Meeting people’s expectations in terms of the motivation, calibre and track record of the management team is key. How the team complement each other is also important. As a general guide here are our thoughts: -
A Chairman – As the public face and advocate of the business the chairman should have industry credibility and a demonstrable commercial awareness. Ideally he should have developed and sold a business in the space and have invested in the company.
CEO – The primary entrepreneur of the team – its entrepreneurial heart. the CEO should be technically literate and have the drive and ambition to keep the momentum of the company moving forward. He must be able to sell and execute substantial deals.
CTO – As the person to supervise the product development, testing, and future product evolution the CTO must have a proven track record in the field, be able to communicate with sales and marketing, and represent the product to customers.
These three team members are the foundation of the company. If these are strong other members of the team covering areas such as sales, marketing, and finance can always be added.
There may be a gap between how the team works operationally and how it looks on paper However what is important is the level of real commitment and whether the team can deliver.
If the right team is not in place you will have a hard time convincing a VC to invest – however good the proposal or business plan.